
    My friend Garrick Van Buren has published a book, Rebuilding Blocks.

    Didn’t know Kindle supported Family accounts. Nice to see services figuring this out!

    Have an old iPhone that I want to use without a phone plan, but it needs a SIM card. Can you get a card you never plan to use?

    Just got a haircut without a single word of small talk from the barber. So awesome. Double tip!

    For Those About To Rock

    Tyler with one of his favorite bands t-shirts.

    Seated for The New Standards holiday show! ‘Tis the season!

    Wonder if other #TeamSPS are at the The New Standards holiday show…

    Need coffee: got double cache fault. #TeamSPS Retry later.

    This is why I refuse the term “IT”!

    Great breakfast this morning with David Hussman! We are lucky to have a talent like him in the Twin Cities!

    Quiet house, kids at gymnastics, listening to Bach. Ahhhh…

    I’m interviewing 5 people today. Final candidates for five different positions! #TeamSPS is growing!

    Yes. #TeamSPS 💙 graphs!

    Welcome to #TeamSPS!

    Having long given up on optical media is there really no way for me to watch Star Wars with my kids?

    Trying to use the Square website as a consumer, not a business, is nearly impossible. Can’t even find my profile. Now updated my profile and somehow I’ve now become a business.

    Took a trip through my spam folder for first time in forever. Seems things have gotten a bit aggressive in Bayes land.

    Hard to say which is a clearer sign of the holidays:

    1. Christmas music and tree decorating
    2. Kids yelling at each other and fighting.

    Substituting honey for sugar in my Wassail Tea was a success. Adds some nice flavor too.

    Twitter Spam #NFL

    If you have a Twitter account, or have many like I do I’m guessing you got this email from Twitter. I sure hope the NFL paid them a pretty penny to annoy all their users.

    1. I really have 13 Twitter accounts? Well, not really. @VeloTweets, @thinglesBot, @SenateTweets and @Wikinosh are accounts I’ve deleted. Odd Twitter, why do you send email to deleted accounts?

    2. I’ve now unsubscribed 13 accounts from this type of message, which I think I did already, but maybe “#NFL promotions” is a new type of message I have to unsubscribe from?

    3. Couldn’t Twitter at least have done some looking at my feed and realized I don’t follow anything football, never tweet about football or show any interest in this?

    Days like today make me realize how badly I wish LogicMonitor had a native iOS app. Want to be mobile and see graphs!

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