
    Mazie's 2-month Checkup

    Mazie had her 2-month checkup today with the pediatrician. I arranged my schedule so that I could go as well. We really liked the pediatrician that we met with. He was recommended by our neighbors who have two kids.

    Mazie is doing great. She’s a big girl! She’s 97th percentile for both height and weight, and 75th percentile for head circumference. She’s already 24" long and tipping the scales at 13 lbs 1 oz. (For reference, she was 7 lbs 11 oz and 21" long at birth.)

    The hardest part of the visit were the shots. Mazie got 4 different shots, after we confirmed they were single dose vaccines that contained no mercury. The nurse had me hold her hands and talk to her to comfort her. The shots were done in like 5 seconds, but Mazie let out one heck of a yelp when she got poked. I picked her up right away and held her tightly in my arms and she relaxed pretty quickly, and then even fell asleep. I felt really bad for her – poor little girl.

    She’s been having a hard time tonight, residual effects from the vaccinations. After a good nights sleep I think she’ll feel better.

    Make Minneapolis Bicycle Friendly

    A few months ago I sent a suggestion to the mayor of Minnetonka to request that they work with the League of American Bicyclists to get Minnetonka the designation of a Bicycle Friendly city. She had someone on her staff look into it but they ultimately decided it would be too difficult to pursue.

    In the new flyer from the League I noticed that Chicago had just received this designation. So, I dropped a note to Mayor Rybak of Minneapolis on this topic. Maybe Minneapolis would go for this. If you think this is a good idea, how about sending him a note yourself.

    Mayor Rybak,

    My name is Jamie Thingelstad and I’m a resident of Minnetonka but work, and have lived, in downtown Minneapolis. I’m also a bicyclist and enjoy commuting back and forth to work on my bicycle using the great trail network that we have in the metro area.

    A few months ago I sent an email to Mayor Anderson of Minnetonka suggesting that she seek to have Minnetonka designated a Bicycle Friendly Community by the Leage of American Bicyclists. I am a member of the League of American Bicyclists as well as a member of the local Twin Cities Bicycling Club. Mayor Anderson’s staff looked into the award but were unable to justify the investment.

    I noticed that Chicago has now been designated a Bicycle Friendly Community, and that made me think that perhaps Minneapolis would like to seek the same designation. If Minneapolis achieved the designation it would be the first city in Minnesota to do so, and hopefully not the last. I think this would be a fitting achievement for the state that leads the country in miles of “Rails to Trails” paths.

    Thank you for your time and consideration, and of course, your continued support of cycling in Minneapolis and the surrounding area.


    Jamie Thingelstad

    Mazie at 8 Weeks

    This Tuesday Mazie will be 8 weeks old. It’s time for us to schedule her 2 month appointment. I remember thinking how insane that was. We went from the 2 week appointment and then 6 whole weeks without seeing professional help. How would we do it!? Well, it’s been fine. Mazie is doing great and so are we.

    She’s put on a good amount of weight. She’s already well over 12 pounds. This last week in particularly seems to have been a watershed week. She’s been so much more engaging and interactive than ever before. She will smile and play with you for a while. She loves it when you tickle her and play with her while she’s on her changing table. Also, much to the pleasure of Tammy and I she’s actually started to smile at us, instead of randomly at walls and other objects in the house.

    She’s been doing well with sleep, although sometimes she puts up a bit of a fuss trying to get to sleep. But once in the bed and snoring away, she does well. She seems to be spitting up a lot more lately than she did at first. I’m guessing that has to do in part with a lot more volume of milk going her way. It’s pretty funny how being a parent pretty much makes all your “eww, gross” reactions go away. A pile of spitup goes all over your shirt, you wipe off the visible stuff and continue on your way, no worries.

    She’s a strong girl too. I’ve been holding her up and letting her support her weight with her legs. She can do this for a few seconds at a time and then needs a break. She likes to lean up against me in a standing position for minutes at a time.

    That’s all for now. Of course I put up some more photos as well. You’ll notice two pictures of me sleeping with Mazie. This seems to be a not to uncommon occurrence.














    Landscaping Wonders

    Last year we had the landscaping in front of our house redone completely. We used a small, native landscaping firm called Go Native. Native landscaping means that you only work with plants that are native to your area. The great thing about this, other than being ecologically “correct” is that you end up with landscaping that is lower maintenance. We’ve been loving it, and we know this year will be the “worst” year, if you can call it that. The first year all these native plants spend the majority of work establishing their root systems. Next year, they should all come up very strong. We’ve already had a multitude of flowers. It’s been fun to watch everything come up and develop.

    Before, our landscaping was boring and dull. When we sat down with our landscaper she said that with our native plantings we would get a lot of birds and butterflies visiting us. We certainly haven’t been let down. We’ve got a constant array of visitors gracing us with their presence. I love it. See photos with bees harvesting pollen, a great yellow bird that visits us often and a huge monarch butterfly that stopped by.

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    I just finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I rifled my way through the sixth installment of the Harry Potter series much faster than the Order of the Phoenix. I found the Half-Blood Prince to be one of my favorite in the series in a very odd way. The story was different than the last five books. Each of them seemed to have a very finite start and finish. The books would start, there would be some very interesting story, and then after a climactic conclusion everyone would head home for the summer. This one had a different feel. It seemed like it was distinctly setting up something big to go down in what everyone expects to be the final, seventh book, in the series.

    I was pleased that Rowling didn’t feel a need to make an even longer book than the previous ones. I’m still wondering if we wont get a Harry Potter volume that exceeds 1,000 pages at some point. The story was fun, exciting and I’m not going to ruin the plot and tell you anything about the last 300 or so pages, other than to let you know I found it hard to put it down at that point. I’m not one to rifle through hundreds of pages in a book at once, but I just had to know what was going to happen next.

    Now I need to go search the Internet to see what people are guessing will be in the next and final, volume 7!

    Uptown Art Fair Conclusion

    Tammy and I returned to the Uptown Art Fair after having previewed yesterday. We brought Mazie with us this time, so we went early to avoid the heat. It was another great day and the crowd was immense even at 10am.

    We took a walk through the area we like the most and saw some more artists that we really liked. Tammy also found a custom purse by Laura Maclay that she really liked and decided to get.

    Further artist highlights (again in no order):

    • We found John Sumner at the art fair. We totally missed him the first day and we have a giclee of his, Moe, that we got in his gallery in Sonoma, CA.

    • We were struck again this year by the photography of Edward Holland. We came really close in previous years to getting one of his items. He’s got an amazing eye and produces these striking, vivid photos.

    • I was struck by the work of Liang Wei from Washington. He had a number of pieces that I really liked. Tammy wasn’t quite as taken with him as I. Hope to see more from him.

    • We really like the work of Jay Long as well. The art is striking. Unfortunately for us it was all framed in oak, and we really, really don’t like oak.

    As I predicted yesterday we returned to Keith Grace to make our annual purchase. We got the dog painting that you see in this post. It’s a great piece and we really liked his technique. He combines collage, acrylics and oils to make these striking, graphic pieces. The collage work also ties back to the subject of the painting as well.

    Camera Upgrade: Canon 20D

    I’ve been going on and on for a while now with all my friends about how I’m not going to get a new digital camera until I can get one that has no focal length multiplier. (Not familiar with focal link multiplication? Read this.) Unfortunately there is only one camera I would get that doesn’t have a multiplier, the Canon 1Ds Mark II. This camera cost more than the first 3 or 4 cars I owned, substantially more now that I think of it, even if you add them all together!

    So today we went to National Camera with every intention of getting a new lens. I still like to support my local camera shops. My workhorse lens is still the kit lens I got with my Digital Rebel (Canon 300D), the 18-55mm rather junky lens. I’ve got other lenses, all universally better than this one, and I shoot a fraction of my shots with them. Makes sense eh? No, it doesn’t.

    I wanted something in the range I have now, but longer, like 80mm and fast for low light conditions. Of course, the lens that fits this bill like no other is the Canon USM IS 17-85mm. A great lens on it’s own, and it just so happens it’s also the upgrade kit lens for the 20D package.

    So I picked up the 20D to play with this lens, and one thing led to another and I left the place with the Canon 20D kit with the 17-85mm lens. Yes, I realize this has the same focal length multiplier as my existing Rebel, but man do I love it so far. I justified this by the big “discount” I got on the lens since I bought it with the camera. Again, makes sense right? No, it doesn’t.

    This camera is a huge upgrade from the Rebel, I’m loving it. Read a review if you want the details. The feel of the camera is stunning and the DIGIC II processor is definitely an upgrade after shooting for a couple of years with the previous generation. I expect I will get razed for a few days for this unplanned, and previously unacceptable upgrade. However, it’s a small price to pay for such a great camera.

    Uptown Art Fair Preview

    Tammy and I spent the afternoon at the Uptown Art Fair. This is by far our favorite art fair in the Minneapolis area. We have made a tradition of going to it every year and finding something for our anniversary gift since we were married just before the art fair. Our visit today was great. The sun was out and the temperatures were in the high 80’s with not a chance of rain and a slight breeze.

    I hate to start with a negative or concern, but we were both struck that there seemed to be a marked increase in vendors and food this year. There is still plenty of art, but a big Avon tent, a Court TV spectacle and several other vendor areas seemed to give more focus to the fair part than the art part. I considered for a moment the horrible turn for the worse that the Taste of Minnesota has taken in recent years, and I truly hope the Uptown Art Fair doesn’t follow in it’s foot steps.

    There were artists from around the country showing. Here are some notes on what drew our attention (in no particular order):

    • Andrew Carson was there showing his wind sculptures. He’s added color to them now which neither of us cared for. I thought it made the sculpture look cheap and wrong. The piece of his that we have in our backyard has remained unmolested, but the other stuff I didn’t like as much.

    • We were awestruck by the work of Kristin DeSantis. From a distance it looked like it may be stained glass. As you approach it you realize it’s actually metal work. She cuts out amazing works in aluminum and then applies oils to it. Great stuff. Definitely a contender for a purchase this year, but it’s also very expensive.

    • Keith Grace had some very interesting mixed media work. His process is interesting and produces some very intriguing pieces. His work is definitely a strong contender to grace our walls shortly. It would be hard to pick which one though.

    • I found the interesting juxtaposition of elegant art and geometric patterns in Suzy Scarborough’s work very intersting. Tammy didn’t care for her work so it’s not something we look further at. But, I though it was really interesting. Particularly the bigger items.

    • Tammy drew us over to the work of Bruce Dunlap, which really surprised me. I asked her why since it’s not her type of art and she said she’s trying to expand her horizons, in small steps. I liked it, definitely worth a gander.

    • We really like the work of Daniel Ng. Our neighbors actually have a painting of his in their house. The colors are nice and vibrant, very good.

    • I’m always drawn to the kinetic sculpture of Jeffrey Zachmann, who also happens to be the only Minnesota artist that I’m highlighting. He does these great motion pieces. I don’t think I would get one, but I can sit and look at them for a long, long time.

    We’ll be back to the art fair tomorrow morning to find one of these that we really fall for.

    Now I've Made .Text Unhappy

    I’ve modified and specialized this website so much it’s rather ridiculous. I use .Text for the site, and it’s open source which is fun since you can change things, which I’ve done extensively. Now however I seem to have introduced a bug that keeps me from editing any post that is already published, the page throws an exception.

    Trying to dig through and find what’s causing this is going to be, well, interesting. One more incentive to move to a new code base that is still being supported. Ugh!


    Actually it seems I’ve only broken it so that any post I create in a browser other than Internet Explorer, like Firefox, cannot be opened for editing again. This sucks, as Firefox is the “Peoples Browser”, but I think I can live with it for a while.


    I just discovered del.icio.us. Del.icio.us is a social bookmark manager. What’s that you say? Essentially a way for you to manage your bookmarks across any number of computers using a tagging metaphor like Flickr. And, even better, you can see what other people like that you like, etc.

    I’ve added the last ten things I’ve tagged on del.icio.us to the right hand navigation bar of my website for fun.

    20-21 Restuarant

    Tammy and I went out for our anniversary this evening to 20-21, the new restuarant in the Walker Art Center.The restuarant is an asian-fusion fare, which may seem a bit tired at this point, but they do it well. The menu was put together by famed TV chef Wolfgang Puck. The initial impression that Tammy and I both had was surprise at the size of the place. We both expected something much larger. The dining room itself is very cozy and modern in design. The next thing that hits you is the pure number of staff. There were nearly as many people working as there were eating, and the service reflects this. Our waitperson was very well versed on our options and gave good advice. The wine menu was not huge, but very complete.

    The items are all served family style, for two people they suggested to order 3 items. All of the items we ordered were prepared to perfection.

    The main course, a marinated iron steak on a bed of rice, was packed with flavor.

    I took the opportunity to have the signature desert inspired by the cherry sculpture in the sculpture gardens. It was stunning looking and if you like chocolate, this is the desert for you.

    This is definitely a good restuarant to visit for a special evening.

    Congratulations Discovery!

    When I was in the 2nd grade I had my heart broken. It wasn’t over some cute girl as you may expect. No, I was (and am) a geek at heart, and my heart was broken because I had learned that you could not be an astronaut if you required glasses. And there I was, in all my glory, with my glasses (I’ll spare a reference to a picture here for my own sake). My dreams were shot. Space was off limits for me.

    In the 2nd grade I didn’t realize the million other reasons why I would not be going into space. It seemed my vision was the only thing holding me back. I’ve always loved the stars and the exploration of our universe. If I had my pick, it would be a pretty amazing area to work in, but I’m afraid my math just isn’t where it would need to be to work with all those big brains.

    Like many people my age I remember the exact moment that I found out about the Challenger disaster. I was walking into my science class in junior high, and my teacher told us the shuttle had exploded. We spent the entire hour watching TV coverage of the disaster. I’ll always remember that. One of those moments that is forever frozen, and locked into your brain.

    We also had the experience of visiting Cape Canaveral, coincidentally shortly after the Columbia disaster. It was moving to see the freshly placed tribute to the astronauts that had died at NASA’s monument. They have a very impressive monument to the astronauts that have died in the pursuit of the unknown.

    So of course I was excited to see the Return to Flight today of Discovery and it’s crew. The shuttle roared off the launch pad and everything went extremely smooth, or as a bunch of NASA geeks say, “nominal”. After visiting Cape Canaveral and seeing these facilities in person I certainly have a bigger appreciation for the scale of everything that goes on there.

    I’m happy to see that NASA is back in operation. It concerns me a bit that people think this can somehow be made risk free. After all, we are strapping people to a controlled explosion and launching them into orbit! This is dangerous, extremely risky business. We should take all precautions that are possible, but let’s not kid ourselves that this is exploration, and there are dangers.

    Hat’s off to all of NASA, and to all those brave souls aboard STS-114. Oh, and the astronaut on the mission from Japan, he wears glasses!

    Mazie at 6 Weeks

    Mazie will be six weeks old in a couple of days. This seems to be a pretty big milestone, at least in her parents eyes, since supposedly after six weeks of breast milk she has now built up an immune system that will keep basic nasty germs and viruses away. This will give Mazie’s Dad and Mazie’s Mom confidence to take her out more, into more varied environments, without constantly worrying about the cleanliness of everything around us and giving sinister looks to strangers who emit a short cough while passing. Really, don’t these people know better than to cough around a baby!

    Mazie’s getting much better with the whole controlling the head thing. She likes to be held in a sitting position where she can then survey the room and check things out on her own will. After her rapidly developing neck muscles get tired of this, she assumes a rather odd position resting her head forward onto her chest.

    She doing fairly well with the sleep thing. Still wakes up a couple of times and maintains her track record as a pretty loud sleeper, lots of grunting and squeels. Sort of like a pig farm, but if you take that analogy any further Mazie’s Dad will smack you, hard. Some nights she decides she just doesn’t want to sleep and this spirals her parents into despair, as they become achingly more and more tired until they reach the point of misery.

    It’s been hot as blazes here so Mazie’s stayed inside most of the time. Her Mom is completely and totally obsessed with her being too hot or too cold. How are babies born in the tropics? Mazie has lived so far in a well controlled 72 degree house. We got a Maclaren Vogue stroller so that she can get outside without being in her crazy, five-point harness car seat. Mazie loves it, or at least I think so.

    Tonight she’s taken to “spitting up”, but with a bit more volume than a spit, and only on Mom so far. This seems to be a new thing.

    I put up some new photos to share with everyone (including what her Mom has decided is the cutest photo of her and her Dad!). Also note the photo included here, where Mazie is modeling her great Road Sign Math onesie!

    Lance Wins #7

    I could have posted this a couple of days ago, Armstrong has had the 2005 Tour de France wrapped up for the last few days. Today’s stage was completely ceremonial, to the point of being a bit ridiculous. The early kilometers today looked like a bunch of club cyclists out on a ride. I could have hung with them without breaking a sweat. Anyway, I’m not going to comment on the miniscule details of the tour, you can visit other sites to get your tour fix. I just wanted to give my thoughts on a few topics – it is the biggest event in my favorite sport.


    Armstrong was amazing this year. He made this tour look as if it was one of his easiest to win. He never seemed to be in trouble at any stage. He pounded on the time trials. He was more strategic this year than ever. Everything seemed to work amazingly well. At the ceremony Lance was given the opportunity to speak to the assembled crowd. Nobody has ever been given that opportunity before, ever. It was a small gesture, but shows how much Lance has stamped his legacy on this event.

    I will miss Armstrong in next years tour. He’s won every tour that I’ve watched. However, I’m also happy to see him retire and move on. I’m looking forward to the next round of winners, and next years Tour is going to be very exciting!

    I ask only one favor. Lance, please, I beg of you, do not run for governor of Texas!!!

    I’ve also decided that it is officially time to retire the Livestrong bracelet.


    Michael Rasmussen had the worst time trial I’ve ever seen a cyclist have on the 20th stage. The poor guy went down in the first 10 km. His rear wheel just slid out from under him. He then had a bike change, and the new bike didn’t work right. Another bike change. Then he fell off again going over his handlebars. Then another new bike. It was horrific to watch, turning completely comic after all the mishaps. It was almost a given that he would lose his 3rd spot in the GC to Ullrich, but I felt so bad for the guy.


    I really hope that big Jan comes back next year and wins the tour. I would be happy for a number of other riders to win, Ivan Basso for example. It would be great if an American could do it. But Jan deserves it more than anybody else. He’s been dogged by Armstrong year after year. If Armstrong would not have been a pro cyclist, we would be amazed over the Ullrich domination of the Tour. He should get another win before he retires.

    American Cycling

    …is huge! Around ten Americans played big, big roles in the Tour this year. The American presence was incredible. Additionally, Lance has changed the way America views cycling. I really hope that the excitement and attention that cycling gets with Lance continues to grow after his retirement. And the European Peloton simply is no longer just European. American’s are definitely here to stay in pro cycling.


    Alexandre Vinokourov was just amazing this year. Two stage wins, including the final stage in Paris, add up to a great tour. Vino is switching teams and clearly put in a great showing to increase his contract value for any new team. If he could be tamed and be supported by a full team, he could be powerful. After his explosive performances though, I’m wondering why he doesn’t go after the 1-day spring classics more.

    Landis and Leipheimer

    Both former US Postal riders failed to impress this year. I don’t think they had the legs or the killer instinct, but it’s also pretty clear that Lance has no love for these former teammates turned team captains. When he takes opportunity to put the hurt on these guys, even though they are minutes behind and no threat, it doesn’t look good to anyone.

    We still have the La Vuelta a Espana in September to wrap up the cycling season, then a few months off and we’ll be back in Europe for the 1-day classics.

    Bicycle Commuting

    I’ve been riding into work, bicycle commuting, for about a month now this summer. This is a big part of my plan to get rid of the “sympathy weight” I put on while Tammy was pregnant with Mazie. It’s working, I’ve been able to take off good weight every week without getting completely obsessed about what I’m eating. I’m really lucky when it comes to my commute. In some ways, I feel like I should be obligated to ride my bike to work. I can get on a bike path after going 3 blocks from my house on residential streets. The path crosses some roads, but mostly it’s just a great trail. I then have two options of trail that I can take going into downtown. So I get to take one trail in the morning, and a second trail in the evening on the way home. There are also a few people that ride into work as well so on the way home I usually have some company as well. One of the highlights of this commute is when the trail that I take on the way into work crosses over highway 100. This is the same highway that I get onto after a few miles and crawl the rest of the way into work when I drive. Everyday as I ride in I always take a moment to let up on the pedals, look to the left and chuckle a little bit to myself as I look at the hundreds of cars piled up, going very slowly. When I look ahead I see clear trail, trees and fellow riders or walkers out having a good time. The only part I miss about riding into work is the music. I really like listening to tunes in the morning and there just isn’t any safe way to do that on a bike. The weather has been great, making it even more enjoyable. I find that when I ride into work I show up with a better outlook on things, and in general a more pleasant disposition. On top of all that I’m saving money on the record high gas prices and not paying for the toll-lane on the way home. All this and I get to help the environment, and my body, all at the same time.

    Hiking With Baby

    I was reading some “evergreen” content on BabyCenter.com tonight. They have some semi-decent content targeted at dad-types. Anyway, they highlighted hiking as an activity to do with your baby. I like hiking so took a gander.

    They mentioned this group started in San Francisco called Grateful Dads.

    It’s a group of dads that get together once a month on a weekend morning and go for a hike. It’s all dad’s and the kids vary from very young, 2-3 months to about 2 years old or even older. I checked out the site and I like the idea.

    I know there are a decent number of dad’s that read my site. Anyone interested in doing some daddy/baby hiking? Mazie is a little young right now, but in a couple of months would be plenty old enough.

    Cutest baby ever, at least to her dad. 🙂

    RC Cars Live!

    Some would say that I have too many hobbies. I can’t help it! Ifind most things (particularly things with gear) to be amazingly interesting. It’s just part of my personality. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to figure out how things work, and hobbies are great for excercising that desire.

    About 5 years ago (really, 5 years) I got into remote control cars in a big way. I think another guy at the office (can’t remember who to blame offhand!) got one and then a few of us decided we all had to have one as well. We all got the HPI Racing RS4 MT with electric motor. The electric motor made these a lot easier to build and operate than the gas cars. We all got them running and had a few days of fun racing them around, jumping them and of course breaking them.

    A subset of us thought this was all fun but wanted to get into the real thing, gas cars! I bought the HPI RTR Nitro RS4 and started to put it together. This all happened in about 2 months. I’m a little obssessive and when I focus on something, it’s all mine.

    Then it stopped.

    We didn’t get together to race them. One of the guys with a gas car got his working but then we all just kind of forgot this obsession and moved on to other things to assimilate. That was over four years ago. My gas car was only half put together.

    One of the things about me and hobbies [obsessions] is that I may give them a break, but I rarely just leave them forever. A few weeks ago we were driving out of a grocery store by our house and there was a race track setup where guys were racing their RC cars. I announced to Tammy “I should get my cars going!”. A few shipments from RCHobbies.org later and I got everything going – including finishing and getting my gas car going – 5 years after I bought it! (It is now a discontinued model!)

    I finished the gas one this weekend and primed the motor up. I’ve ran a few tanks of gas through it to break in the engine and tuned it up a bit, it’s working great. The electric car needed a new chassis plate so I replaced that and also took an opportunity to finish routing cables on it and retensioning the cable.

    They are both a lot of fun to drive. I need to tune the gas one further, the steering isn’t quite in alignment and the clutch doesn’t release soon enough. I’ll get to that later, maybe four years from now. 🙂

    Mowing the Lawn

    This is a rather pointless post but I wanted to share that I think Ihave found the best music for mowing the lawn, ever. Every weekend I have to plod outside and fire up the lawn mower. My iPod is a dear, dear friend during this one hour trek in endless circles around the lawn. I used to listen to a variet of things, but now I've come to the conclusion that there is no finer album to mow the lawn with than [Chronicles I](http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:kq6ktr59kl6x) by [Credence Clearwater Revival](http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=11:bxcm962o3ep3%7ET00).

    Next time you find yourself sweating behind the lawn mower, give this CD a go, and you’ll be markedly happier.

    Go George! Hincapie Wins Stage!

    Everyone, really, anybody knows [Lance](http://www.lancearmstrong.com/) [Armstrong](http://www.lancearmstrong.com/) and the [Tour de France](http://www.letour.com/indexus.html).Not everyone knows one of [Lance](http://www.lancearmstrong.com/)'s close friends and longtime teammate George Hincapie who took his first [Tour de France](http://www.letour.com/indexus.html) stage win today on the "Queen's Stage" (thus named for being the hardest day of the tour).

    George got in an early breakaway with a number of riders and he hung on the whole day. With only he and Oscar Pereiro left in the final 2km he was able to take the win.

    Lance winning the tour at this point is almost a guarantee. George taking the stage was a complete surprise and a huge win for him. I cheer for Hincapie all spring as he tries to win the big spring classics, and I still hope that he will win Paris-Roubaix before he decides to hang up his wheels. But hat’s off to him on an amazing win today.

    For more Tour de France info, check out TdF Blog.

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