Minnesota United v Vancouver Whitecaps starting 2nd half. United leading 1-0, and playoff bound? ⚽️

Project “Float the Boat” is successful! Dock crew attached cables to the pontoons and pulled it back into the water with the winch. Once it was moving the front SeaLegs came free. Smart that the SeaLegs fold up towards the front of the boat. 🎉

Got our Halloween pumpkins at Little Hill Berry Farm by Northfield this morning. 🎃 They also had a delicious Blueberry Pancake breakfast. 🥞🫐☕️

S’mores. 🔥

Cats Will Eat You created “Eleven Virtual Faces” collection and I liked all of them. I decided to get Virtual Face XI to add to my collection from him. He does these paintings in VR, and the look is incredible.

Fall is upon us. 🍂

Project “Float the Boat” has gotten harder. Cannon Lake is down another couple inches. The rear SeaLeg is up, but the front is stuck in the muck. Spent 30 mins trying to clear it with no luck. Tomorrow the dock guy comes. Hoping for a breakthrough. 🤞

Beautiful night for a campfire with a nearly full moon.

State of Blockchain 2022 Event

MN Blockchain hosted their annual State of Blockchain event this evening at Fueled Collective in Downtown Minneapolis. This was the first event of theirs that I have gone to and it was a good evening.

There was an hour for networking and food with a handful of people displaying projects or work they had done. I got to meet Cats Will Eat You, one of the local artists that I have been following for a while. I own Ring, Rang, Rung from him. I also got to check out Inside the Robot and Nuclear Nerds.

For the panels and presenters it started out with storage and the blockchain and a session with Filecoin and StorJ. They are each solving the problem from a different angle with Filecoin more focused on long-term archival and StorJ on distribution and CDN functions. They’ll both cross over into each other space.

Disclosure: I am a small investor in a Filecoin provider and hold Filecoin tokens.

It was really cool to see UMN Blockchain club there. The club has over 300 people engaged and an active community. They won the Columbia University hackathon for crypto.

Another highlight for me was the presentation on using NFTs for campaign fund raising. Not that I’m excited about raising money for campaigns, but I think it is a model of creating community and collective action. The highlight was that the average fund raise from the NFT was $5, but then follow-on donations from those individuals was another $250.

I noted that there wasn’t very much overlap between the technology events I typically go to and this one. On the plus side, this event was significantly more diverse on every metric than any tech events I’ve been to. I loved that. At the same time, I think it is a miss to not get more passionate technologists at these events to stir the creativity and have interesting outcomes.

I worked with the organizers to make a POAP for the event, but it was last minute and the distribution was not thought out well enough. More thoughts to come on using POAPs at events. It was also the first time I distributed a “You’ve met me” POAP, which was fun to do.

Minted three Peepertoadz (265, 266, 267), a new project based on Cryptoadz by Messhup. Looking forward to the reveal.

So many family and friends around to celebrate with my Mom as she turns over another decade! Wish we could have kept going for a few more hours… 🥰

Grabbed my thingelstad.lilnouns.eth subdomain (transaction) via Lil Domains.

We are having a party to celebrate my Mom’s 70th Birthday today and we are marking the day with a special POAP! I used Poapathon to get a wonderful custom image to make it even more special.

My Mom has a big birthday this year and her four sisters and brother all drove from North Dakota today and surprised her at dinner tonight. It was awesome! Tomorrow we have more birthday celebrations!

As the leaves begin to change and the air gets a little crisp, it is a good reminder that Minnesota in the Fall is the best time to listen to The Replacements. The two were made to go together. 🍂🎶

Setting up another 12 Gnosis Chain validators this morning, for a total of 32 when activated.

Based on validators by GC address that means I’m 140th out of 879 validating addresses. My dashboard.

We returned to The Dakota to see The New Standards tonight. We’ve seen Chan, John, and Steve play there at least a dozen times, and they always give a great show. 🎶

See list of The New Standards shows.

Successfully claimed and staked my 4 GNO tokens from the Dappnode Gnosis Chain promotion. Now up to 20 validators!

We saw BLKBOK tonight at The Dakota and it was a great show and an amazing experience. His performance was unique, passionate, and extremely engaging. We’ll be back for sure. His I AM BLKBOK video is a good intro.

One of my favorite artists on NiftyInk is nnxyz. Tonight I created “nnxyz fan art #0001” merging my block lettering with some of his effect.