Sauna on the way!

For many years I’ve had the desire to get a sauna. Usually this has two peaks — one predictably in the winter when I think it would be so nice to have a good sweat, and the other time is during the Minnesota State Fair when we invariably end up looking at multiple sauna on display and even talking through the logistics with some of the builders. This year at the fair was no different and when we walked into the Dairy Building to see the Butter Heads and get our official American Dairy Association of Minnesota Ice Cream we happened upon Urban Wing NorthUp Sauna.

They had two saunas on display and they immediately caught my eye. They didn’t look like other saunas with their translucent walls. One was built on trailer wheels and mobile, the other was on a skid like an ice house. We went inside it and I found the design great, and those translucent walls meant that a lot of ambient light came in easily. My sauna desire was steadily climbing, and fast.

I put myself on the mailing list and grabbed the website address so I could check it out more, which I did.

When we returned to the fair for the third time we again saw the Butter Heads and this time on the way back we stopped and talked to Darin, the owner of Urban Wing, for a while and got a bunch of questions answered. The sauna desire was climbing even more. Uh oh. I scheduled a call with Darin for later in the week to learn more.

Long story short after a couple of calls and detailing the specific sauna configuration that I wanted for our cabin I took the leap and placed the order! The sauna will be delivered in November or December, with plenty of time to get ready for winter saunas. I’m super excited to take the leap.

Now I have to decide if I’m going to do the “sow-nah” or “sau-nah” pronunciation. Darin is a “sow-nah” guy. I may just go with the Old Norse of Baðhús.

I took the pontoon back to La Canne’s for winterization and storage. I got it out on May 10th this year for 127 days on the water. With the flooding this year we have done very little boating. I tried to avoid the rain but ended up getting pretty soaked on the ride in.

After our TeamSPS Kubb Tournament a small group of us had a pickup game that was awesome. We had all 10 kubbs in play!

Tyler's Gaming PC: GPU Unlocked!

Tyler hit his savings milestone yesterday so today we went to Microcenter to get the GPU for his gaming rig. A short while later he was carrying out a PURE AMD Radeon™ RX 7800 XT 16GB eager to get it setup.

This is another one of those moments where I realize so much has changed in the last 20+ years since I built my own PCs. These graphics cards or more appropriately classified as a whole computer on a PCI-E card. Three fans, massive heatsink, and its own power connections.

He got it in mostly on his own and got the drivers installed. Minutes later he was getting high 200 frames per second on some test games, even hitting over 300 fps at some times. The quality of the graphics is amazing. 🤩

Sidewalk poetry found in Northfield in and around this mornings 5k.

We all completed the Defeat of Jesse James Days 5k Run/Walk and had a grand time. Tiffany and I walked the course in 57 minutes. Everyone else ran it and Tammy and Mazie put in better times than they expected! Tyler had some cramping that made him have to take some breaks.

Our neighborhood. 52nd Street, Lynnhurst.

In our neighborhood the Taschler’s host an annual Fry Party. What is that? They fire up multiple fryers and the guests bring fun things to fry. We brought Twinkies. Fried Dill Pickles were popular. I tried a Fried Peppermint Patty. It was a fun evening and Tyler and Mazie got to help the hosts!

See also 2012 Fry Party.

You would be hard set to find a better desert than Pizzeria Lola’s warm Chocolate Chip Cookies and Fresh S’more Cookies with delicious soft serve ice cream drizzled with olive oil.

Tyler's Playdate Game: The 5 Piece Sword

The most open of the Summer Challenges I gave Tyler was to create a Playdate Experience. No requirements other than something that could be played on the Playdate and created in Pulp. Tyler really got into this and created a full interactive game experience — The 5 Piece Sword. 🗡️

He wrote additional blog posts on the simple enemies in the game, how the heart system for health works, and the spikes and spike balls in the game.

The game is fun to play and has a lot of challenging levels. He’s still crafting the final boss stage and at that point he may publish the file so others could load it. Nicely done! 👏

I got to thinking how many times we’ve seen The New Standards after we saw them last night. I searched my blog and created a list of The New Standards shows. I was surprised to find 21 shows and an additional 11 Holiday Shows — exceeding our list of Brandi Carlile shows!

The New Standards put on an incredible show at The Dakota tonight marking their 20 year anniversary as a band! We had a great night returning with our friends Mike & Ellen Rock for the show.

See list of The New Standards shows.

We went to the Minnesota State Fair three times this year, a record for all of us. Are we becoming “fair people”? Maybe. People complain about the crowds, but that is just part of it. The sea of people every way you look is what makes it the fair. We’ll be back again next year! 🎡

Seeing the “Butterheads” in the Dairy Building at the State Fair is a must for me. As a bonus for going on the last day, I got to see all of them finished!

We made three trips to the Minnesota State Fair this year and the third visit really happened just because of Peachey’s Donuts. We wanted to go back and try them fresh. The line was crazy long and it indeed took an hour, but these warm and tasty donuts are incredible.

My Grandpa Ardell was a “John Deere man”, so whenever I see these green tractors at the Minnesota State Fair I take a moment to look them over. I’m pretty sure he had one very similar to this one.

My GTD Structure

I suppose I’m a “list person”. Although I would say I’m a GTD practitioner. I like the sound of that better. And my lists, or GTD system, is managed with OmniFocus. Since my Omni Show appearance I’ve had several email exchanges with fellow “list people” about how I structure my lists. I thought I would share a more complete view.

Before getting to the lists themselves a comment. The structure that I have in my system, “the stuff” as it were, the things to do and how I organize them, is fluid. I don’t change tools often but the content and structure I refactor when it suits me. With that said though, these top level folders for my lists have endured in largely this structure for a decade.

They have endured because they are specifically aligned around dimensions of my life. If the dimensions of my life change then these would change. But really this big picture stuff doesn’t change frequently. Also note that these folders may at times have only a couple projects, which may be a signal to me that I should be doing more there.

In OmniFocus these dimensions or groups are stored as folders, and these folders contain projects. You could use this structure in most any list manager.

  • Tasks: Contrary to the sentence directly above, this is a project and not a folder. It is the only project I have at the top level. This is my generic bucket of action items that are specifically not a project and should move through my system quickly. Examples could include “Get groceries”, “Call about electric bill”, or “Schedule coffee with Jim”.
  • Self: Projects that are specifically about me. Two notable projects in here are “Personal Routines” and “Technology Routines”. I use projects like this for repeating tasks like “Schedule a haircut” or “Do blog gardening”. In OmniFocus these are single-action projects that never complete.
  • Family: Projects regarding our family. These can be things like “Labor Day Weekend at the Cabin”, “Celebrate Tammy’s Birthday”, or “Send Christmas Cards”.
  • SPS: Here is everything about me being CTO at SPS Commerce. There are a lot of projects here and subfolders for different aspects of that dimension.
  • Professional: This is for projects about me being a CTO but not about SPS. For example, I’m a board member at Air T. If I’m speaking at a community event that would go in here. It is “everything else” about me as a CTO.
  • Home: Projects about our home. The anchor project here is “Maintain Home” which contains recurring tasks about, you guessed it, maintaining the home. And then there are various projects for things we do. A project that will show up in here soon via a template is “Prepare home for winter”.
  • Cabin: Same as above, but for our cabin. Notably, if we are entertaining a group at our cabin on a weekend I create that as a project in Family, not in Cabin. This is about the Cabin.
  • Travel: This is the newest folder I have and it has projects for trips that we take. I have templates that I’m regularly improving to populate these since I tend to forget things, or worry I did. I may have a project in here a year before we go and is a fun way to group things for those upcoming travel events. I’m still completing a couple of tasks for “Vacation to Ireland” that we did in June.
  • Financial: Projects related to managing finances. Every year this is going to get a “Prepare taxes” project, again built off of a template. I have a “Teach kids about the markets” project in there now.
  • Social: Projects that are about giving back. I’m on the MnTech board and I put that activity here. We also hold our annual Things 4 Good candle sale supporting non-profits and that project goes in here.
  • Hobbies: Projects for my hobbies. This one does have three notable subfolders: Reading, Weekly Thing, Websites. I currently am wrapping up a project here for “Help Josh with website” that I used to get Rambling Josh setup for my cousin.

Those are my “working” folders and projects. I do have three more folders that are a little different.

  • Ticklers: Used for lists to remind me about things, or nudge me. One example I have in here is a project for “Use Gift Certificates, Credits” that gets an entry for any of those I’ve received so I don’t forget. I’ve got a task in there now with a due date to use a credit I got from a store. I also have a very special “Repeating Projects” project here that has single actions on a repeating schedule to create projects. Examples include “Create project for Pi Day”, “Create project to winterize house”, and “Create project to adjust clocks for DST”. These usually have links in the notes to go to Drafts and open that template, or to a Shortcut that creates the project itself.
  • Someday, Maybe: Someday lists are powerful, especially for folks that have more ideas than time which is probably more common than not. I wasn’t sure how to structure these though so that the reviews made sense. I finally came upon the idea of having a separate Someday, Maybe list for each folder above. So this folder contains 10 single-action projects, all paused, for each of those.
  • Lists: This folder contains my general reference lists. Nothing in this folder is actionable and never has tags. Things don’t get completed in these projects, they instead would get moved or copied somewhere else. This includes projects like “Books to consider”, “Shows to watch”, “Restaurants to go to”, and “Questions for Doctor”.

That is all of it! This structure has served me well for a while now and maybe you’ll get some value out of it as well.

Big week for my Famous Foxes mission chests!

Was feeling motivated this morning and published a robust iteration of my blogroll that has more sites and context on why I follow it.

Good morning! September is starting with a chill in the air.