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⬜️️ → Letter is not in the word.
🟨 → Letter is in the word but not in the right position.
🟩 → Letter is in the word and in the right position.

Wordle 375 5/6


Wordle 377 3/6


Wordle 378 3/6


Wordle 381 5/6


Wordle 382 6/6


Wordle 386 6/6


Wordle 391 4/6

Bit of a lucky guess on try 4.


Wordle 392 5/6

Didn’t have confidence in try 5, but it worked!


Wordle 393 4/6


Wordle 394 3/6


Wordle 395 5/6


Wordle 396 5/6


Wordle 398 4/6
