
    Dow Jones Disco Party 2007

    Oh my. Really. Wow. Absolutely fabulous!

    That is the only way to start any post on the 2007 Dow Jones Disco Party that we had this year. This years party was a complete blast. I had given a preview of the Disco Theme in another post and people did not hold back at all in going all out.

    Great food. Amazing band, Boogie Wonderland. Disco music. Awesome people! How can you go wrong! Party along with this video!

    Every year it gets better and I really cannot imagine how next year could top this one.














    Chipai Fishing Trip Video

    It’s been a long time since June when my father-in-law took all the brother-in-laws fishing in Canada.

    Watching AllThingsD Gates/Jobs interview. Transcript.

    Drive to Work Take 2

    Time for “Take 2” of my drive to work time elapased video!

    I really liked the first take at this, but the camera was mounted very poorly. Think tape combined with a rear-view mirror and you get the idea. It was swinging around and shaking with abandon, which caused a ridiculous video. I was looking at getting a Gorillapod for my trip to Canada in a couple of weeks and it was also the perfect tripod to mount a camera on my dash. This, combined with an overcast day that gave more even light and a closer position to the windshield to eliminate a lot of the grime on the glass made for a significantly better video.

    For comparison, here is the first one as well. Try hitting play on both of these at the same time to see the differences.

    Drive to Work

    I’m having some more fun with the time-elapsed feature of my new camera. It has an ability to take the most trivial things and make them at least a little interesting. Check out this video of my morning drive. There is a decent amount of sun glare, and the “mount” wasn’t all that great, but it’s still fun. I think I’ll do it again after I get a Gorillapod that will give me a better mount. Until then…

    Also check out the short time-elapsed video of my flight take-off.

    Blue Dog Mural

    When we were on our honeymoon in Denver, Tammy saw this piece of art in a gallery and instantly fell in love with it. The artist did a series of hanging sculptures around car doors from old VW bugs. She then had a variety of dogs in the windows. One in particularly had a blue dog that she really loved. It is in some way a nod to George Rodrigue’s work, however actually affordable for mere mortals like us.

    When she saw this piece she knew instantly what she wanted done. Here is Tammy’s friend Liane painting the mural.

    Here is the sketch that the mural was painted from. This sketch was scanned, blown-up and then projected onto the wall to provide a guide.

    We absolutely love this. We live with all of our art, but this is part of every day.

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