- Made the stingers 5 seconds long. The first ones were 7 seconds and just a little too long.
- I added the Creative Commons license information that I apply to my videos so it is clear what terms apply to reuse of the video.
- My first stingers weren’t as high-resolution and didn’t look as good in HD.
- I made sure the aspect ratio defaulted to widescreen.
Memorial Day Tribute
My friend Dennys Bisogno is a great photographer and is now doing some video work as well. Here is a video he did for Memorial Day in River Falls, Wisconsin. Touching.
He shot this on his Canon 1D and edited in Final Cut. The clip of the elderly soldier walking down the path at 3:40 is just great.
My friends Dennys Bisogno and Layne Kennedy sent a link around to this amazing video of “that volcano in Iceland nobody can pronounce the name of” by Sean Stiegemeier.
Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010 from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo.
He captured that on his Canon 5D Mark II. That is the same camera I shoot with. Seeing something like that come out of kit that is on my shelf is both inspiring and intimidating.
New Video Stingers (v2)
A little over a year ago I created a handful of stingers to use on video content that I create. The stinger serves a bunch of purposes. On the practical side it gives the movie player and data stream to get going. I often notice that in the first couple of seconds of video there are some breaks and with a stinger that happens before the content starts. Also, you can name your site and show what license terms apply to it (the later is something I forgot to do in my first stingers).
I decided to redo them and improved a number of things:
Several of my friends asked me how I create my stingers. It is really easy actually. I use Keynote to make the stinger itself, using transition effects that are on a timer. I then export the presentation to a Quicktime movie. I import the Quicktime movie of the transitions into iMovie and do trimming as well as adding audio. I then export them out of iMovie and re-import the completed stingers into iMovie to use in other videos. It sounds more complicated than it is. If you would like to use my Keynote file to start with go ahead and download Video Stingers v2.1.key.
For fun, here are the five new stingers.
It’s hard to make these go both on the web and on a large television. I might have to make everything bigger and thicker on these.
Update: I did a recut because I didn’t like how the video looked at very small files. I also made it work better with 4:3 aspect ratio as needed.
Video: Open Internet
This is a really great video that explains in plain language why Net Neutrality is so vitally important.
Kawishiwi Falls
While we were up in Ely this past weekend we took a brief hike out to Kawishiwi Falls. I’m a sucker for waterfalls so it doesn’t take much to fill me with awe. I took video with the Canon 5D Mark II to capture the scene and continue to get comfortable with the video capabilities of the camera.
Overall I’m very impressed with the video quality. What you see here is “web video” processed by at least three different conversion processes. The raw video off the camera is incredibly crisp. All these were shot with the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS.
I photographed this waterfall in winter during the Wintergreen Photography Dog Sledding trip I took.
TED Video: Hans Rosling Dataset Mindset
The visuals in this talk by Hans Rosling at TED blew me away. Animated displays of 200 years of economic data about the world.
Learning to Make Sausage
A couple of weekends ago we all loaded up into the car and drove up to Grand Marais to spend a wonderful weekend with our friends the Tangen’s. As is often the case when going “up north”, it was really crazy cold. It was the end of May and on our last day it was barely above freezing.
Anyway, the main attraction of the trip was a class that Tammy had signed Kent and I up for at the North House Folk School. North House is a very cool place where you can go and learn hundreds of skills. While we were learning the in’s and out’s of sausage making, another group of people were learning how to build a brick oven.
Back to the sausage. Another friend, Kevin Dotzenrod, makes the most amazing sausage I’ve ever eaten. I’ve got a few feet of it left in the freezer that I’m coveting from everyone else. I really only like lean sausage with a lot of flavor. Tammy thought it would be fun for me to learn how to make it myself and that’s how Kent and I found ourselves elbow deep in meat.
The experience was captured best with video. Since I was running the camera this video is all Kent. I am excited to try my hand at making some of my own sausage just the way I like it.
Mazie Sings Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Mazie really got into Christmas this year. It made Christmas so much more fun for me this year just to see the excitement and enthusiasm she had for the big day. She started to sing along to some of the Christmas Music we had playing and were singing to ourselves and really got into Santa Claus is Coming to Town.
Shortly after Christmas she picked up her guitar and gave her own rendition. Cutest video ever. :-)
Kiva Impact
I’ve been a Kiva user for over a year now and have done several micro-loans with it. This is a really cool video that shows the personal side of Kiva and how such micro-loans can really impact peoples lives.
Check out my lender page. I owe a thanks to Aaron Oliver for introducing me to Kiva with a gift, to regift through a loan.
Mir:ror - RFID for the Home
I’ve been wondering when these little RFID gadgets will start to make a presence in the home. Big companies have done pretty amazing things with their supply chains using RFID, but what use will a geeky household be able to make of RFID. There hasn’t been much.
I was interested to see an email this morning from Violet, the makers of the Nabaztag. This company is definitely “out there”. I’ve tried explaining the Nabaztag to visitors and they just look funny when you tell them “it is a WiFi Rabbit”. Then it starts talking and moving its ears and they really wonder. Both Violet and Ambient Devices, makers of the Ambient Orb, are doing some really interesting things bringing the web into the real world.
Mir:ror is Violet’s newest product. This video explains it best.
It’s interesting. In essence the stamps are just RFID tags and they have made a consumer friendly RFID reader (the mirror). I can think of a couple of neat things to do with this, particularly if you keyed it with home automation. For example, take your keys and swipe them on the mirror to turn off all the lights in the house when you leave. I would love that.
It will be interesting to see what kind of applications people think of for RFID in the home. This is a cool first step.
Update: My friend John Riedl just posted about this on his blog as well.
Foreclosure Alley
This is an incredibly depressing video of the reality of home foreclosures in southern California.
Amazed to see the guy who paints lawns green.
Via my friend Raanan’s blog.*
Winnipeg Folk Festival 2008 Kids
We go to the Winnipeg Folk Festival every year (see music from 2008, but kids only go every other year. This was a kids year, and I got this really cute video of them having some fun.
C-Lazy-U Horse Run Video
While we were at C-Lazy-U I did an audio capture of the horse run. I also got a chance to capture it with my Canon HDV-30. In a lot of ways, I actually like the audio only one better.
Iron Chef Minnetonka - Egg
Tammy just hosted/produced the most recent Iron Chef Minnetonka night. This time around was a very special theme. You’ll have to wait 3 months though to see the video from it. In the meantime, enjoy the just released video from the last Iron Chef Minnetonka – Egg edition! Tammy did this video and its great!
Also check out Battle Yogurt…
Don's 70th Birthday Party
This past weekend Tammy and her sisters Corinne, Angie and Michelle threw a surprise birthday party for their Dad, Don Olson.
It was a very nice party and Don was totally surprised. Denny and Corinne made some awesome food and about 70 people were there. My job for the event was to get a video together. We did interview scenes with all the girls and mom, along with a bunch of pictures.
Of course if you get people in front of a camera you get some silly moments. I had enough to remix it back into this outtake video.
Angie put a post on her brand new blog about it. This morning I whipped up a quick video from the birthday party itself!
Driveway Paved
A few days ago the driveway was removed and prepared for a brand new asphalt driveway. I had charged my camera to get a good time-elapsed movie of the asphalt being put in. It’s a pretty cool thing to watch. Okay, the video is a bit long…
Driveway Removal
This past Thursday the contractor got started with our driveway removal. I was watching, and realized it was a great time-lapse opportunity!
Take a Lap in the Lazy River
Have a couple of minutes? Join us on the Summer of Love for a trip around the Lazy River at Mandalay Bay. Mazie’s very first time in a lazy river.