- The ConstitutionDAO POAP… we didn’t get there, but I will always remember the event with the POAP. This is the only POAP I have migrated to Ethereum just to have it front and center.
- The POAPathon USA Holiday Spectacular I nabbed during the POAPathon this year… that got me exposed to POAPathon, more on that below…
- My Weekly Thing #200 POAP that I created when I sent the 200th issue of my Weekly Thing newsletter. Each recipient of the newsletter got a claim code.
- And perhaps my most favorite of all, my 50th Birthday POAP. On Jan 3 2022 I turned 50 and I wanted to give something to friends and family. I created a POAPathon Challenge for a design and had over a dozen design submissions! It was an amazing process and yielded what is currently my most treasured POAP! ❤️
My Introduction to the POAP Community
I shared this introduction on the POAP Discourse server on January 8. I’m publishing here on my blog as well for posterity. I’m still a big fan of POAPs. It is my favorite project to introduce people to crypto with.
gm all! 👋
I first discovered POAP’s with the ENS 4th Anniversary Snapshot Vote on 04-June-2021 and I was instantly intrigued. I have always had fun collecting things and particularly find it interesting having digital tokens that capture things. Photos stop time. Geo coordinates stop motion. POAPs are a time capsule of something of note.
I created my first POAP to give to the members of my book club when we read Klara and the Sun. Mindblown! I think it was shortly after that that I joined the POAP Discord. I’m also a proud holder of the Early Issuer POAP. I’ve since created 12 POAP events for a variety of uses.
Special POAPs, that have a place in my heart.
I’ve become quite a fan of the project. I think it is a great way to curate memories. I also love it as a way to introduce people to crypto as a totally non-economic activity.
I didn’t realize how bad farming was until we issued our Reading Things First 100 POAP. We have a family newsletter called Reading Things that is all about, well, reading. My whole family writes in it and we send quarterly. We sent this POAP because we hit 100 subscribers. I didn’t know at the time how to do a unique claim code to each subscriber (like I did for the Weekly Thing 200 one)… so I just put a POAP.website link in… it was farmed terribly. I honestly wish I could “burn” that whole event and destroy all those tokens because they are trash… the farmers destroyed what should have been a cool memory for us to celebrate with these 100 first subscribers…
This got a bit longer than I was expecting… It is fun to continue to see the growth of the POAP ecosystem! You can see my collection of POAPs as well…
Magic Pines Summer of 2022 POAP
I’m doing what I consider another fun Proof of Attendance Protocol, or POAP, token! We greatly enjoy our summers at the lake and we have a lot of people join us there. We call our lake place Magic Pines. I love finding ways to commemorate these fun times and I thought it would be fun to give people a POAP token each summer! From that, the Magic Pines Summer of 2022 token was born!
This token celebrates the Summer of 2022 at Magic Pines, the Thingelstad’s lake house. The token can only be claimed in-person by visiting Magic Pines between Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, May 28 and Labor Day on Monday, September 5th. The token image was created via a Poapathan competition by kavishsethi#2327. A larger version of the image is on IPFS at CID QmZXjAZvNSP8z4N4f1HzfJFhDvG1TdVLZLsHHqJp96kgLZ.
I love the custom artwork via Poapathon. I’m going to print out “claim sheets” that have instructions for people that have never done this before, which is most everyone. I think it could be cool to issue a new one of these every year with new artwork for that year.
I realized when doing this that Magic Pines itself should have one, so magicpines.eth is all setup now! Maybe it will become a DAO for the family at some point. 😊

Gift for Weekly Thing POAP Holders
I saw this HELLO “Ink” on Nifty.Ink and I just thought it was a fun image. The author had minted 100 of them for only 0.10 DAI ($0.10 USD) each and an idea sprung into my mind.
I should send one of these to everyone that has minted a Weekly Thing POAP token! 🎁
I went to the Weekly Thing #200 and Weekly Thing Five Year Anniversary event pages and downloaded the CSV of the addresses that have it. Deduplicated the list and then proceeded to buy and send a copy of HELLO to every address.
If you hold a Weekly Thing POAP, you will now find that you have HELLO in your wallet on Gnosis chain. 🎉

I just sent issue 219 of the Weekly Thing, which also marks the Five Year anniversary! It is also my first issue back after an unscheduled break. It was fun to get things going again. Subscribers got a PAOP token to mark the occasion.

Famous Fox Dens Multichain
I’m so impressed with Famous Fox Federation! Today they announced that you can associate your Ethereum address with your Fox Profile on Solana.
— Famous Fox Federation 🦊🟠 (@FamousFoxFed) December 28, 2021
Famous Fox Dens now support the viewing of ETH NFTs!
Just connect your Metamask wallet and have all your ETH and SOL #NFTs visible under one gallery! 🤯
Check out the video below to see how the gallery looks like:#SolanaNFTs #ETHNFTs pic.twitter.com/iUTCCe9fpy
I went to my profile, signed in as thingelstad.sol with Phantom, and then connected to thingelstad.eth with MetaMask! 🤯
Now when I look at Foxesburg Geluksdal #GEL384 my Foxes are there (staked of course), all my Solana Angry Bunny Club, and my Ethereum wallet with my Divine, ENS domains, and even a POAP I migrated to Mainnet from xDai!
I joined the POAPathon this morning and got my USA POAPathon Holiday Spectacular token! The POAPathon is a 24 hour event featuring holiday POAPs from around the world. 🎄

Quantum Mirror at REM5VR
Tammy got us tickets to see the Quantum Mirror exhibit at REM5VR. We’ve been to REM5VR many times for VR games, but this Quantum Mirror is a “transcendent immersive art experience”. It was created by Adrian Stein. We weren’t real sure what to expect at all, and I was very curious.

The exhibit is limited to 6 visitors at a time, and is experienced in two settings. The first is a gallery space with digital art on the walls, and six chairs. After a moment you take a seat and take a VR experience to “upload yourself”. The VR experience was pretty cool. You didn’t walk around, more like you were on a train going through these experiences tied to the art.

Upon completion of the VR experience you then enter the Quantum Mirror. This is a room covered on all sides by mirrors, and at a variety of angles. In the center of the room are three portrait displays playing about a 10 minute loop with audio. There is no interactivity, but the reflections are very engaging. I captured a 30-second segment of the video which shows it best.
It is with a bit of surprise that I have to admit I haven’t explored digital art with any seriousness. Surprising because we have a good amount of art and appreciate it, and I’m obviously into technology, but the two haven’t intersected. This experience was cool and made me want to see more like it.
At the end of the experience you could type a message to yourself in the metaverse. This was a neat touch but lacked clarity on where it went or what happened with it. It would have been cool for that to be somewhere on the web or folded back into the experience for others to see.
Quantum Mirror had a couple of nods to crypto tech, most notably the premier digital art you could purchase also came with two NFTs. This would have been a brilliant use for a POAP token. I was really wishing I could have gotten a Quantum Mirror @ REM5VR POAP token.
I’m a fan of POAPs and have created many POAP events of my own. The ConstitutionDAO POAP is the first I decided to migrate from xDai to the Ethereum mainnet. So close… and the POAP is a fun way to remember the history.

I created an official Olson Family Vacation 18 POAP token!

I’m having a blast playing and exploring POAP tokens. I’ve created a few for various events to experiment.