
    The Forgotten

    Last night Tammy and I went to The Forgotten. The movie was moderately entertaining, however I certainly wouldn’t make a huge effort to see it. Renting the DVD would probably be fine. The theme of the movie reminded me a bit of Dark City. The movie successfully provides a number of shocking adrenaline scenes that will definitely make you jump in your seat. The rest of the time it takes an eerie, 3rd party perspective for the camera. If you’re bored and looking for something pretty simple but exciting, check it out.

    Manchurian [Haliburton] Candidate

    Tammy and I went to see the new version of the Manchurian Candidate last night. Much more suspenseful than the original, however lacking Frank Sinatra. Maybe it’s just my particular political views but the concept of the movie seemed a little closer to home than I would like.

    Garden State

    Tonight Tammy and I took it easy and went to a movie. We decided to check out Garden State. I really liked the movie. If you enjoyed movies like Lost in Translation or Niagara, Niagara, I’m almost positive that you will like Garden State. I left the movie also thinking that it reminded me a lot of The Graduate, even though I couldn’t figure out why.

    It took me a moment to get over Zach Braff. Braff wrote, directed and starred in this. I’m not that big of a fan of Scrubs, and while this movie has nothing to do with Scrubs I kept on thinking about it with him on the screen in front of me. However, given the quality of this movie and that it was his deal, I left with much more respect for him.

    I’m tempted to get the soundtrack. The music in the film was perfect.

    Bourne Supremacy

    Tammy and I went to The Bourne Supremacy last night. Fun movie with a lot of action and suspense. Lacked the excitement of The Bourne Identity in part because Identity was all new and we knew what to expect in Supremacy to an extent. Still very fun to watch. I did note that it seemed like most of the movie was filmed handheld or something. If you get motion sick easily (like me), watch out.

    The Stepford Wives

    Oh boy, we did it again, went to yet another movie in Paris. This time the Stepford Wives. Fun movie, probably better to rent. This time the theatre had air conditioning, what a plus!

    Spiderman Deux

    Tammy and I went and saw Spiderman 2 this evening in Paris. I always think it sounds kind of wierd to go to a movie when you are on vacation, but it’s always a lot of fun. Anyway, movie was very good, better than the first. Luckily it was in english with french subtitles. The theater had no air conditioning and was rather a dump, and the tickets were only €9.50! Ouch! Paris is not a cheap city.

    The Terminal

    Tammy and I went to The Terminal tonight. I gotta admit that I liked this movie a lot more than I expected I would.

    You start with Tom Hanks. Granted he’s one of the best actors alive today. He’s right up there with the greats, but he is Tom Hanks and for some reason I don’t have the desire to see him in a movie like I do Al Pacino, or Marlon Brando or even William H. Macey! But every time I do see him in a movie I really enjoy it. Spielberg is also a great director but falls unfortunately into a similar category as Hanks.

    Anyway, the plot sounds really boring, a guy stuck in an international airport terminal, however it is really fun and enjoyable. You leave the movie feeling good and happy, which is sometimes exactly what you want a movie to do.


    We went and saw Dodgeball tonight and I have to admit that while it’s a pretty stupid movie it is really funny. Don’t go expected any type of intellectual experience, this is chewing gum for the brain, but fine chewing gum it is.

    Just got back from seeing Super Size Me! Should be a wake up call to everyone. Also saw a preview for The Corporation which looks very good.

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