2024 in Blogging
With many thanks to Amit Gawande’s fun Post Stats Plugin and a recent discussion to add some more information to it — I’m sharing some perspective on my blogging from 2024.
In 2024 I published 701 posts with 51,905 words. Of those, 529 had photos and 157 of them had titles.
June had about triple the normal blogging activity which was from our trip to Ireland. Over the last few years I’ve done daily travel logs on those trips and usually write a blog post for each activity. It can be a lot, but I value what it creates and know that in future years I will revisit those posts with many fond memories.

Zooming out I now have a total of 9,111 posts containing 574,102 words! My blog posts have come along many migrations:
.Text → WordPress → SquareSpace → Pelican → Jekyll → micro.blog
On top of that I imported my Twitter archive and curated and improved that. Since April 2017 I’ve been publishing on micro.blog and you can see that it has enabled me to post even more. To me, this is one of the best ways to evaluate a blogging platform — does it enable you to “just write” on the web.