I have launched a Supporting Membership offering for the Weekly Thing. I previewed it in Weekly Thing 299 and shared it on the Weekly Thing Forum. So what is this Supporting Membership all about? What does it get you?

Nothing. šŸ˜Š

Well, that isn’t true. It will make you feel great.

Supporting Membership will be a way to raise money for non-profits that we can support as a community. All of the money from memberships will be accrued and once a year I will disperse that to a non-profit. I plan to change the non-profit on each anniversary of the Weekly Thing when the funds are distributed. I will also likely do a “member drive” ramping up to each anniversary.

The first non-profit Supporting Memberships are helping is Creative Commons. I use a Creative Commons licenses for the Weekly Thing and my blog. Iā€™m a big believer in Remix Culture and see the benefits that an organization like this provides. Creative Commons was founded by Larry Lessig who I think has done incredible work. Here is Lessig’s TED Talk from 2017 on Laws that choke creativity.

Back to Supporting Memberships. Members receive a gold star in each issue of the newsletter. It looks like this:

šŸŒŸ Thank you for being a supporting member of the Weekly Thing!

There is nothing else different.

But Supporting Members will help me support great organizations that are making an impact. So a huge thank you!

The links to sign up as a Supporting Member are included at the bottom of each issue of the Weekly Thing, right after the Fortune.