
Interesting chatbot demo to create a fundraising campaign. All built around a chatbot using Facebook messenger.

Binary Bride / CrossCare

Instance of a simple, easy to use EMR. Allows organizations to move through quickly. Doesn’t rely on internet.

Civic Eagle

Focusing on raising civic engagement. Minnesota leads the country on civic engagement. Allows you to register to vote. Debate feature, microvideo format? Impressive demo with some cool capabilities. Shooting to have side-by-side video debates.


IoT mouse trap? IoT hack day project. Tell if something was caught. Data collected to identify rodent populations.


Stylist application to allow people to create a profile and allow a stylist to custom pick wardrobes. Minnesota based retailer. Allow stylist to see purchases and wishlist items to further refine recommendations. Interesting idea.

Marbles / Live Beyond the Label

Free 24/7 mental health support. 100% anonymous. Track mental health metrics (self collected). Peer to peer support. Seems really prone to trolls and abuse.


Fantasy sports like games for school content and current events. Fan games like fantasy football but for countries or states.