- Turkey in brine ✓
- Rub ready ✓
- Sweet Potatoes ready ✓
- Wassail Tea made ✓
- Carrot Cake made ✓
- Picking up two whole beef tenderloins for tonights grilling extravaganza! I (heart) Clancey’s.
- I really need to learn to call my meat order ahead to Clancey’s. Let them prep ahead of time.
- Getting whole beef tenderloin at the butcher is like having your birthday at Applebees - everyone claps and congrats abound.
- Getting whole beef tenderloin at the butcher is like buying a MacBook at the Apple Store. “Congratulations!” and big smiles.
- Man, there goes more arm hair courtesy of the Big Green Egg.
- I’m experimenting with the tenderloins tonight. Hopefully I won’t regret it. 😕
- Tenderloins were great. Consensus around the table is the coffee beat the pepper crusted.
- At the Mpls Photo Coop for Final Cut Studio Workshop. Great space! My first time here. Won’t be the last!
- Suffering through an Aperture demo (I’m a Lightroom guy) before getting the Final Cut Pro stuff I came for.
- I’m totally biased, but Aperture looks really amateur compared to Lightroom.
- Yeah! Final Cut session started!
- Alpha Transitions are sweet in Final Cut Pro! Wish it didn’t cost $1,000. 🙁
- The first five rules are all about restricting the content to just music. The “stream” rule makes sure that no Internet radio stations I’ve manually added in iTunes show up. I’m using my No Playlist Playlist here to pull a bunch of content out. I’m also excluding Jazz and Classical because I listen to them differently than other genres.
- The 6th rule is the critical one, show me tracks played less than 3 times, and combine that with a limitation to 50 items selected by most recently added. Show me new stuff that I’ve listened to less than three times.
- The rating rules help me kill a track if I just don’t like it. Give it a 1-star or 2-star rating and it goes out of rotation right away.
- The last rule is really slick to keep things fresh. Without it you would be listening to the same new stuff over and over until you listen three times. Not good. This spreads the listens out over time.
Let Thanksgiving begin!
Yeah, my sweet potatoes are going to have marshmallows on them.
You got a problem with that?
Just got Chrome OS running in Parallels 5 to play with it. Nifty.
For fun, here are my photos from the first Minnebar in 2006. The whole group looks like one of todays sessions.
Add photos that were previously on Flickr.
Watching Objectified. Great documentary.
I’m carrying my camera today instead of laptop. My camera turns out to be much heavier. :-)
In celebration of getting U2 tickets for next summer, I’m sharing this from McSweeney’s.
Just scored 2 tickets to the U2 concert in June!
Had a surprisingly pleasant interaction with two different health insurance companies.
John Muir’s birthday should be a national holiday. I’m declaring today John Muir day. What an amazing person. Read up on John Muir on Wikipedia.
Enjoying some quiet time at Toraccino with a Macchiato before heading to Mpls Photo Center for seminar tonight.
At the Minnesota Public Radio Future of News event today, getting started.
Running my MacBook Pro in target disk mode to attempt to recover a broken Parallels VM. Very slick!
Twitter’s new Retweet mechanism needs a global setting to turn of ALL retweets, in addition to the per user capability.
Just finished a great home movie in iMovie. I know some people think iMovie blows, but I couldn’t disagree more. So nice, and so easy.
iTunes Smart Playlist: Three Plays
I’ve written before about some of the ways I use Smart Playlists in iTunes to enjoy my music more. I’ve got a large music collection with 1,463 albums containing 19,392 songs. I have a challenge keeping new music highlighted in this big pool of nearly twenty thousand songs. Today I had an idea for a Smart Playlist that I’m finding very useful.
I call the playlist Three Plays and the basic idea is that any new track added to my collection should get three plays before it gets shuffled into the general archive. The playlist works like this:
The criteria are pretty straight forward:
I’m finding this really useful and a great playlist to just fire up when I sit down at the computer. Give it a whirl and see what you think!
I’m an avid Safari user, and when I launch Firefox I wonder if they are purposefully making it ugly. Can someone please clean it up?