Zorro the Musical

When we told people that we were coming to London one of the most popular questions was “Are you going to any shows?” We gave what seemed like a pretty disappointing answer to most people – “We don’t know.” We didn’t know because a show would require someone to watch Mazie at night and it wasn’t obvious that would happen. But, when my Mom arrived she suggested that she watch Mazie and get to sleep a little early and we go out for the night. Sounded great to us!
Tammy did some research and narrowed it down to two shows, which quickly became one, and we headed off to see Zorro the Musical!
Let me just say, “wow!”
Neither Tammy or I are qualified theatre people, but we absolutely loved Zorro. It was filled with energy, great music and dancing. It kept me completely engaged all the way through and really looking forward to returning to my seat after intermission. I think it was better than Wicked, which I liked a lot. Tammy thought it was her favorite musical ever, even better than Mama Mia!
If you get a chance to see this musical, make every effort. It’s a great night!