East Coast Adventure '06 - Day 8
Day 8 of the Great Adventure starts with a relatively lazy morning as we prepare to head to Washington DC for the long weekend. This week has been crazy. I had two evening business events filled with very busy schedules in the day. I mostly just got up at 6 am each day, got showered and left very early to get a head start on the day and came home well after Mazie was asleep. Mazie decided that she should just wave goodbye to me whenever she saw me. 🙁
It rained most of the week as well so it wasn’t a first great week of the Great Adventure for anyone. Tammy and Mazie came into the office on Thursday and we all had lunch together at the company cafeteria. I showed them around the office a bit.
I’m pretty excited to head down to DC. My mom and sister are coming out to spend the weekend with us. I’ll post some updates from DC and try to get some pictures up as well.
Go to day: 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37 or East Coast Adventure collection.