Camera Upgrade: Canon 20D

I’ve been going on and on for a while now with all my friends about how I’m not going to get a new digital camera until I can get one that has no focal length multiplier. (Not familiar with focal link multiplication? Read this.) Unfortunately there is only one camera I would get that doesn’t have a multiplier, the Canon 1Ds Mark II. This camera cost more than the first 3 or 4 cars I owned, substantially more now that I think of it, even if you add them all together!
So today we went to National Camera with every intention of getting a new lens. I still like to support my local camera shops. My workhorse lens is still the kit lens I got with my Digital Rebel (Canon 300D), the 18-55mm rather junky lens. I’ve got other lenses, all universally better than this one, and I shoot a fraction of my shots with them. Makes sense eh? No, it doesn’t.
I wanted something in the range I have now, but longer, like 80mm and fast for low light conditions. Of course, the lens that fits this bill like no other is the Canon USM IS 17-85mm. A great lens on it’s own, and it just so happens it’s also the upgrade kit lens for the 20D package.
So I picked up the 20D to play with this lens, and one thing led to another and I left the place with the Canon 20D kit with the 17-85mm lens. Yes, I realize this has the same focal length multiplier as my existing Rebel, but man do I love it so far. I justified this by the big “discount” I got on the lens since I bought it with the camera. Again, makes sense right? No, it doesn’t.
This camera is a huge upgrade from the Rebel, I’m loving it. Read a review if you want the details. The feel of the camera is stunning and the DIGIC II processor is definitely an upgrade after shooting for a couple of years with the previous generation. I expect I will get razed for a few days for this unplanned, and previously unacceptable upgrade. However, it’s a small price to pay for such a great camera.