EarthRoamer: Now this is an RV!

Tammy and I have occasionally thought about getting an RV. We like to take long road trips and like to get off the beaten path. Particularly with Tammy’s fear of flying, we tend to drive long distances when it comes to vacations.
The average RV though isn’t really our speed. Then while Tammy was flipping through a magazine she saw the EarthRoamer. This thing is amazing!
Essentially, take a Ford F-450 turbo diesel and turn it into an amazing off-road vehicle with plush surroundings. It’s small, but makes the most out of it’s space. Ecologically sound as well! The EarthRoamer uses solar panels and the truck engine to provide power – no generator on this thing. It also runs on BioDiesel. You can take the EarthRoamer out into, literally, any conditions for well over a week at a time and have no worries. Optional items like satellite TV and sound system bring further comforts.
I sent them an email to see if they’ve ever built Internet access into one. This would be the perfect vehicle to go to Moab or Alaska in. Who knows, maybe in a few years, will be up and running! (You know I would have to do it!)