Baby Class
Tammy and I went to our first baby class tonight. We are taking the 6-week Introduction to Child Birth class at North Memorial. Highlights from the class include…
Obligatory wearing of the Empathy Belly by all the men in the class while their pregnant wives instructed them to lay down, roll over, bend down, pick up something, sit. A variety of commands similar to what you would give to any trained puppy. Yes I fully participated as well. Rolling over with 40 pounds strapped to your gut is rather hard. My pleas that I had already formed my own empathy belly over the last few months were met on deaf ears.
Instructor asked us to get into small groups and put together our list of top 10 questions. I suggested to put on the list ‘What are we supposed to do when we get home with the kid?!?’ The person taking notes that I was joking. Oh, if only I was. ;-)
Required graphic video of a woman delivering a baby. Oh boy. Don’t think I need to add all that much here, particularly don’t need to include any pictures.
Found out we were the only couple in the class using a midwife. That surprised me. Maybe it shouldn’t have.
Realized we need to get our doula picked soon. Surprised that a handful of people didn’t know what a doula was either.
I feel like I should invite Tammy to my next annual physical just so we can level the field with all this information I’m getting lately.