Baby Update
Tammy has decided that she is now “officially pregnant”. How this differs from the last 26 weeks I’m not exactly sure. She seems to have decided that she now “looks pregnant” and not, as she says not me, just fat. Today was another checkup and the midwife. This appointment included the gestational diabetes test and we were both a little concerned about that one. Not for any particular reason other than just generally being concerned about the progress of the pregnancy.
I still find myself worrying all the time. This morning we were at the gym working out and Tammy had a cramp in her stomach. The place ground to a halt as everyone else in the gym, all of which were men, were freaked out about a pregnant woman having a cramped muscle in her stomach. Hypervigilante I guess.
Anyway, the blood sugar test came out just fine so nothing to worry about. She’s at 26cm now, exactly where she should be and everything continues to look fine. We got clearance to move forward with a late-March trip we want to take so in short, all indicators are green!
The next visit is in 4 weeks and then we switch to checkups every 2 weeks. We are also starting child birth classes in two weeks.